ILMA Flyer, Lubricant Manufacturers

Soltex Strong Efforts Amidst ILMA Cancellation

Friday, October 7th, 2022

The 2022 Annual ILMA (Independent Lubricant Manufacturers Association) Meeting, which was scheduled for the end of September in Marco Island, was unfortunately canceled due to Hurricane Ian this year. Prior to its cancellation, Soltex was excited to attend and was disappointed to hear that it would not take place. The decision to cancel ILMA was certainly necessary and we are sending our support to those impacted by Hurricane Ian in Marco Island and the entire southwestern Florida community. While we know this is not an equal substitute for in-person conversations, hands-on activity, and potential business opportunities that would’ve taken place at ILMA 2022, please do not hesitate to contact our sales team if you have any questions or would like to schedule a meeting. We look forward to connecting with you in ILMA Engage 2023 soon!

Donate to Recovery Efforts

If you would like to donate to hurricane relief and recovery efforts in Florida, you may wish to consider the following organizations: