Soltex Supports PTSD Awareness
Friday, June 21st, 2024
National PTSD Awareness Day is celebrated annually on June 27. It aims to raise awareness of posttraumatic stress disorder, a mental health problem that may develop after a person has been exposed to one or more traumatic events. Traumatic events that may cause PTSD include physical or sexual assault, war-related combat stress, terrorism, natural or man-made disasters, and other threats to a person’s life.
As a strong supporter, we offer the resources below for veterans and citizens in your communities coping with this disorder. We hope to educate and provide ways you can lend a hand toward their victory this coming celebration.
- Wounded Warrior
- NAMI, National Alliance of Mental Illness
- PTSD Peer Support Groups
- PTSD Foundation of America
- Camp Hope, June Urgent Needs List
- K9s for Warriors
- PTSD Veterans Resource Toolkit
- PTSD Support for Children and Adolescence
- PTSD Support for Adults
- PTSD Support for Assault
- PTSD Support for Natural Disasters or Mass Violence
- Crisis Hotlines