Soltex: A Look Back
Tuesday, January 17th, 2023
2022 was a year of action for Soltex as the chemical industry seemed to swiftly pick up speed again after a few years of necessary adjustments due to the pandemic. From the growth of multiple teams to a busy schedule of conferences and trade shows, product developments and some necessary fun among it all, we’re glad to be wrapping up another fantastic year.
The year brought several changes and additions to Soltex operations. With an inside sales team being established initially in 2020, 2022 brought more growth and success to this specific department with valued Soltex employees Celina Desvard and Matthew Massoud. Their work became a particularly integral part of Soltex’s continued growth and success in the chemical industry as they spent their days selling and promoting Soltex’s innovative offerings through relationship building, and maintaining relationships with existing customers.
New additions beyond the inside sales team also included two interns who joined us over the summer, Christian Gilmore and Mia Traugott. Bringing dynamic and helpful energies to the team, both seized opportunities at Soltex to further their knowledge and gain experience.
New partnerships with two new supply chain partners, Transflo and Wolflake must also be noted. These new partnerships allowed us to fill gaps in our supply chain and work toward further success and maintenance of our reputation of providing the best service possible to all customers. We also continued to see incredible contributions coming from team members across numerous departments, from site and warehouse management to sales and marketing.
The Soltex schedule of conferences and trade shows also ramped up significantly this year. Team members were kept very busy connecting with each other as well as other industry professionals. From Florida, to California and even up north to Canada; we strengthened our presence within the National Association of Chemical Distributors (NACD), the Electricity, Distribution, Information Systems and Technology Conference (EDIST), and the Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers (STLE), just to name a few.
We can’t let this blog conclude without highlighting the Soltex company culture and mentioning some of the fun and comradery that was also had in 2022. As a sponsor of the Next Wave Energy Partners Charity Golf Tournament, our team was thrilled to be a part of the astonishing $225,000 that was raised and donated to Camp Hope, an organization dedicated to helping combat veterans and their families through the invisible wounds of war. The purchase of a Soltex cooker trailer affectionately named “the Catalyst” was also a highlight, being an essential part of company functions like the golf tournament, celebrations, and other gatherings.
Throughout the year, Soltex employees also enjoyed getting together for other charitable events like the earth day clean up, put on by our Canadian-based team members. This past September, members of the Soltex team participated in the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) annual fundraiser “Out of the Darkness Walk” in Morris County, New Jersey.
This year, the Morris County Walk raised over $76,000 and the entire New Jersey chapter of AFSP has raised $1 million to date for this important cause. And last but not least, the highly anticipated Soltex Halloween costume contest and festivities were a massive success.
As the year comes to an end, we are appreciative of this time to reflect on all the success 2022 brought to Soltex and are excited to take on 2023 with an equal amount of motivation and drive.